How to Avoid Spreading Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis is a contagious problem and can easily spread from one person to another unless you take precautionary measures to avoid its spread. For example, kissing a person who has mononucleosis problem can easily get you infected and the only way is to avoid kissing the person on mouth or straight on lips who has this condition.

The problem is caused by an Epstein-Barr virus and can spread through sexual contacts, saliva, respiratory droplets such as coughing etc. Since it is a contagious problems, it spreads from one person to another quickly, especially in an environment where people come closer to each other. For example, travelling in rush hours and especially in bad weather conditions or air-locked places, the virus spreads quickly.


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    Do Not Eat With Infected Person

    Avoid sharing food with a person who is infected with a mononucleosis. You can get infected even if you do not eat with that person but eat at the same table. Also, at home, keep items in use of the person separate and try to avoid coming in contact with them, but do not make the person feel that they are a stigma.

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    Avoid Sexual Contact

    You should also avoid being in sexual contact with the infected person, especially do not kiss the person on mouth and straight on lips.

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    Avoid Air-Locked Places

    You should also avoid places such as travelling in rush hour when people are standing shoulder to shoulder in a train or bus and the risk of virus spread through breathing or sneezing is much higher.

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    Eat Healthy

    Your immune system should stay strong to fight off virus attacks successfully and for this you should take extra care of your diet. Always eat healthy and enough. If you are on diet etc, shun the plan for the time being as not getting proper diet can make you prone to virus attacks. You do not know how much your immune system can resist.

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    Take Time Out for Exercise and Leisure

    While being busy in your routine life activity, you should take some time out for exercise, walk and other sports activities. It is a good way of staying healthy and dispel virus attacks during all seasons. If you are not into exercise already, then plan during these days, at least.

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    Add More Protein to Your Diet

    Sometimes it is recommended and helps to add more protein to your diet. Increasing intake of milk and adding eggs to your breakfast can increase strength of your immune system and fight off all viruses attacks.

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