How To Avoid the Rebate Rip-Off

More and more companies now offer consumers the rebate option. However, amid lack of laws protecting interest of consumers, many rebate scheme end up as false promises. Unlike coupons, which consumers can get compensate against over the counter, rebates are sent to consumers in form of checks at their postal addresses, which if not cashed or compensated in purchase of another product or service, go wasted. The rip-off has become a most well know way of plundering consumers now, and many organisations and individual consumers advisers have jumped in to advise the consumers to take all precautionary measures to protect them against these frauds. A consumer has to be aware of such schemes and think of accepting them. This is another way of enticing consumers to be greedy at the time of purchase of goods and services, leading to an overspent given the company promise them a greater amounts of rebates. This leads the consumers to overspent sometimes and when he/she is unable to get rebate they are greatly disappointed. To avoid the disappointment at that stage, it is essential that the consumers must be aware about these matters and take precautionary steps to avoid being ripped off.


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    Maintain All Record

    Keep all record of purchases you have made. Also keep all rebate receipts as the companies generally tend to find or another excuse to deny you the rebate. A little mistake or little flaw in the receipts is enough reasons for the companies to deny you the rebate. So make sure you have kept all the receipts in order and can present them any time the claim of a mistake.

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    Keep Copies of Receipts and Checks

    If you have been demanded to present original receipts along with the rebate forms, be careful and before sending them make copies of all of them for your record. It can be possible that a company denies receiving of the rebate form and receipts. In that case you should have a backup record to prove them that you have the case to make before them. Just try to be sure you do not give them an excuse to deny you the rebate.

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    Be Careful in Filling in Forms

    Take an extra care while you fill in rebate forms, as a little mistakes can deny you the rebate money. Once you are done with filling in, you can again read it to make sure you have not left any box without an information, and try to rectify any mistake you find. The best way is to follow all instructions given along the form.

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    Post Fill in Forms and Documents

    You should apply for the rebate at your earliest possible, by sending the filled in forms and all required documents in the post. A little delay can make the process and wait for you even longer. So make sure you send everything needed from your end at the earliest, and keep a track record of the time the process consumes. If you do not hear from them for a certain period of time, right them again and ask for acknowledgement of the your application for the rebate. A delay from your end can provide them an excuse to get away with your money. So be agile to the timing issue.

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    Seek Legal Help from Volunteer Organisations

    If you are denied the rebate without any genuine reason, which should be explained to you by the company, you can look for a volunteer organisation that offers a help to consumers. Although legal framework protecting consumers are less effective, sometimes these organisations can be helpful for you to getting the deserved money. Even if you do not get money, at least you can help highlight this issue and help avoid other consumers being ripped off, and gradually it is known by every consumer.

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