How to Babysit Orangutan Activities

A nice babysitter is the one who is respectful of the parents and follows the daily schedule of a baby. In this case, a good babysitter is the one who is respectful of the owner’s wishes. Orang-utans are endangered species due to the loss of their habitat. An orang-utan requires same amount of attention as a baby requires. They are wild animals but are peaceful in nature. However, orang-utans are unpredictable as you do not know what an animal will do if they are away from their habitat.

Things Required:

– Diapers
– Orangutan food


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    Daily schedule of the orang-utan

    First you need to get the daily schedule of the ape. You should ask the owner to give you his daily schedule. Studies show that orang-utans spend time every day seeking for food and make a nest from plants to sleep at night.

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    Check out orang-utans sleeping and eating quarters

    You need to know about orang-utans eating and sleeping room. This is because these animals love to sleep. Remember that orang-utans are peaceful animals and they love to sleep a lot according to their age.

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    Know whether orang-utan loves to be held

    You need to consult the owner and find out whether the orang-utan likes to be carried and held or not. According to UK based website, which promotes orang-utans protection, the apes are bad in walking and love to stay in the trees.

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    Food of orang-utans

    You need to know what orang-utans eat and how he drinks. If he drinks from a bottle, feed him accordingly. Give them the food which owner has left for them. Baby orang-utans know how to break up their food. Their mothers teach them how to take food. Other orang-utans in wild usually eat plants and fruits. In addition to these, they eat small creatures ranging from birds to rodents. However, a pet or infant orang-utan does not have skills to break-up their food. You need to feed them what their owner has directed.

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    Watch out for your activities

    You need to avoid those activities which may disturb or threaten the orang-utan’s territory.

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    Clean up their mess

    You need to clean up orang-utans mess when required. You need to change their diapers when needed.

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    Follow the owner’s instructions

    You need to follow the owner’s instructions carefully and do what you are told to do about them. Remember to be gentle and kind to the orang-utan.

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