Red Velvet Cake from Scratch Recipe

Red Velvet Cake from Scratch Recipe
Nutrition Information
  • Serves: 8
  • Calories: 197
  • Fat: 42 g
  • Carbohydrates: 20 g
  • Sugar: 2 g
  • Sodium: 192 mg
  • Fiber: 7 g
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Cholesterol: 20 mg
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
This recipe for a Red Velvet Cake from Scratch is delightful enough to rock any celebration and get together. The creamy texture and flavourful ingredients of the red velvet cake are guaranteed to gratify the cake lover's taste buds. This traditional Southern dessert has been family favourite from for generations.
  • Non-stick Baking Spray:
  • Vegetable shortening: ¼ cup
  • Canola oil: ¼ cup
  • All purpose flour: ¼ cup
  • Cake:
  • All purpose flour: 2 ½ cups
  • Sugar: 2 cups
  • Unsweetened Cocoa: 1½ tablespoons
  • Salt – Kosher salt is preferred: 1 teaspoon
  • Baking Soda: 1 teaspoon
  • Large Eggs: 2 whole
  • Grape seed oil: 1½ cups
  • Buttermilk: 1 cup
  • White Vinegar: 1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 ¼ teaspoon
  • Red food colouring: 2 ounces
  • Cream Cheese Frosting:
  • Cream Cheese: 2 packages (about 8 oz each)
  • Unsalted Butter: ½ cup (about 1 stick)
  • Real vanilla extract: 2 teaspoons
  • Powdered sugar: 8 cups
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 °F (176.66 °C).
  2. Use a large whisk to blend the mentioned ingredients of the Non-stick Baking Spray in a bowl until merge well and form a rich watery paste. Now, use it as a baking spray to coat the three baking pans and set them aside to settle.
  3. Place the all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt in the electric mixer’s bowl and blend until all ingredients are finely powdered. Set this mixture aside.
  4. Blend the buttermilk, Grape seed Oil, red food colouring, white vinegar and Vanilla Extract in a mixing bowl. Now crack two large whole eggs into the bowl and use a large whisk to blend the well until merged well and form smooth mixture.
  5. Add in the previously blended powdered mixture and continue mixing until both mixtures incorporate thoroughly.
  6. Now set the whisk aside and use an electric or hand mixture to blend the mixture until it forms a uniform batter.
  7. Now equally divide this batter among the three previously greased baking pans and smooth out their surface with the back side of a large ladle or spoon.
  8. Place the three pans in the preheat oven and bake them for 25 to 30 minutes or until rises and the inserted toothpick comes out clean.
  9. Once bake well, remove the three pans from the oven and carefully take out the three cakes and shift them into the cooling rack or set aside to cool well.
  10. In the meantime, prepare the Cream Cheese Frosting. Add the softened cream cheese, Unsalted Butter, and the powdered sugar into the electric mixer’s bowl and turn it on medium-high speed.
  11. Continue bending for at least 5 minutes or until all ingredients merge well to form a light but fluffy paste.
  12. Reduce the speed of the mixture and pour the Real Vanilla Extract into the frosting mixture. Continue blending with the electric mixer’s high speed until the mixture is feathery.
  13. Your Cream Cheese Frosting is ready; place it in your refrigerator for some time until it become more rich and thicker.
  14. Once the cake layer cool well and the frosting settles down, it is the time to assemble them together to give it a proper red velvet cake shape. Place one layer of the cake on a cake platter or stand and put some frosting in its center.
  15. Now use the back side of a large spoon or a ladle to spread the frosting all over the surface of the cake’s first layer.
  16. Place the second layer of the cake on the top of the first one. Put some frosting in its center and spread it.
  17. Set the third layer on the top of the second and press it down slightly so that the three layers stick together thoroughly.
  18. Use a ladle to place some frosting at the top of the cake and spread it with the back side of a large spoon. Grab a knife and smooth the top surface of the cake until even and no wavier.
  19. Now use the knife to add frosting to the sides of the assembled cake and smooth until even or level.
  20. Your Velvet Red Velvet Cake from Scratch is all set; place it in refrigerator for few hours until the frosting is firm and serve. Enjoy!

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