How to Be a Problogger on Tumblr

Tumblr is another social media website that lets you connect with a number of people all across the world. Tumblr is quite similar to Twitter, since it gets everyone to post small short posts, as opposed to lengthy articles.

It lets you modify your page passed on your preference and you can post videos, songs, pictures and just about anything that you like. If people like your posts they start to follow your account, and this helps your account gain popularity.

However, there are a few things that most people forget to do, since they keep confusing Tumblr with other blogging websites, which is something that it is not.


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    The first way to start generating other people’s interest in your Tumblr blog is for you to start following other accounts. By doing this, you will slowly start to integrate into the community. In return this could help you access and gain followers, which is what you want to do.

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    Add picture and reblog/like

    The next thing you want to do, is to go on and make sure you have a display picture up and running on the blog. This is because it is going to allow people to associate you with that image, making it easier for them to recognize you.

    At the same time using your picture, you should reblog and like just about any post that catches your fancy. This is going to let people know that you appreciate their work, and they in turn would do the same.

    Once again, having a picture is important, since someone with no pictures on their profile could be considered to be an automated bot.

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    You can go on and customize the whole lay out and visual outlook of your page based on your preference. This is going to allow your page to really stand out and prevent it from looking the same as anyone else’s.

    Should your page be rather attractive to look at, it will automatically generate a lot of followers onto it.

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    Use tags

    Using tags is crucial to gaining followers. This is because using a tag is going to allow you to push into and connect with more people. These people will then be able to realize that you share the same interests as them. This is something that they would rather appreciate, and in return this will help build your followers base.

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