How To Be Happier At Work

Being happy is key to contentment which forms the basis of success be it the professional or personal life. While there are many ways to be happy in your personal life, the dynamics can change significantly in the professional life. There are many factors which influence your mood and performance. By adopting some easy traits though, you can ensure a happier work life.
No Comparisons
Avoid comparing yourself to other. Everybody has his or her own life, and there is simply no way you can draw comparison between what they have with what you have. -
There Shouldn’t be any Obsessions
There are many things which you can’t control at a workplace. For example, if your immediate supervisor does not like you despite your best intentions and hard work, there is no need to obsess about what could have been had you been in another team. Work on what you can control and they are your actions and thoughts. Focus and direct them in the right direction and you will find the right solutions for yourself. -
Don’t Let Your Work Influence Your Personal Life
Home is a place where you can relax and seek comfort. It is therefore important to keep your professional matter out of there. A relaxed personal life will ensure a happier work life. -
Never Over-Commit
Problems start at work when you commit something and are then unable to get it done. It is therefore important to define your boundaries and the work load you can take. -
Flush the Negative Thoughts Out
A workplace has all sorts of people. There will be some with whom you would naturally get along, some with whom you occasionally interact and then there are some which you will dislike or hate. The emotion is all right – it’s only natural – but the important thing is not to waste your time being consumed in that. It is only hold you back and eliminate the joy. -
Remember Your Life Is Yours
When you do a job, your employer practically buys 8 to 9 hours of your life every day. But, what he doesn't buy is your right to be happy. Work in a way you like and don’t worry till the time you are getting your targets fulfilled. -
Less Gossiping, More Smiling
Don’t waste your time in gossiping because the originators of gossip often have their ulterior motives. Instead smile more and more to create and reinforce happiness.