How To Be Nice To Someone You Hate

Some people you encounter in your life may be irritating or may annoy you. They may hate you out of jealousy  after watching your success, and popularity. You may feel uncomfortable among these types of people as they are constantly bugging you. However, to hate them back is not good or nice thing to do as it will classify you in the same category. 

Hate is harsh and bad word and one should avoid hating even their enemies. 


– The willingness to forgive




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    Do not Hate

    First thing you should do is not to hate the person who is bugging or annoying you. You will only waste your time in hating that person. You should take into account that is the person worth hating.

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    Ignore them

    Best thing you can do is to ignore him or her. You do not need to react of that person’s action and you can let all your anger out in your imagination. You should not interact with that person unless that person speaks or confronts you. In addition to this, avoid eye contacts with that person.

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    Avoid them

    If you are invited into a party where that person will be coming whom you hate then simply avoid going there. It is the best thing you could do as situation can get worse and you may end up in fighting with each other.

    If you are planning to go in the same event then avoid that person in the place.

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    Be Calm in front of him/her

    Stay calm at all times in front of that person. You should stay civil in public places and you can let your anger out after getting back to your house.

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    Find good in that person

    Ignore the person you hate. Find something good in that person to at least like him if not love him. You should find out the cause why that person is like this or think if that person reminds you of yourself.

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    Don’t take things personally

    If the person you hate is due to his disliking towards you then don’t judge him straight away. This may be due to problem that person is facing. You do not know the reason behind his disliking towards you.

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    Make peace with that person

    If both parties are at fault then you should call a truce and lend out hand of friendship. By this you will stop hating that person and may even start liking. The reason behind hating that person may also come out and be gone with the passage of time.

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