How to Become a Boat Dealer

If you love boats and being around boats, than becoming a boat dealer is a great profession just for you. But like any other career, there are a number of requirements that must be fulfilled in order to actually get into the field and become a boat dealer.

To jump start your career as a boat dealer, you need to take into consideration a number of aspects to make sure that you succeed in your efforts. If you think you have got what it takes to be a great boat dealer and can make a ton of money doing it, follow the guidelines carefully.

Things Required:

– State Boat Dealer License
– Surety Bond
– Manufacturer Agreement to Sell Specific Brands


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    Selling Skills

    Marketing skills and the ability to sell your product when wanting to become any sort of dealer. Even if you do not have any specific product, selling your services is another aspect of marketing that requires the same knowledge.

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    Dealer Requirements

    Whichever state or country you are situated in, there are various requirements for boat dealers and to what extent they can sell and buy. Due to tax purposes and other legalities, it is advised that you look thoroughly through the terms and regulations of the area that you reside in and wish to launch your business from.

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    Choose your Brands

    Most dealers only deal in specific brands, while there are others that deal in all of them. Decide which are available in the area you are looking to do business from and contacting them with your dealer license at hand is the way to go. You can also deal in used boats, which in some cases depending on the situation of the market, may yield better results.

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    Business Plan

    The next part of the process to kick off your boat dealer career is to formulate a long term business plan and set a goal for where you want to be in the next six months to a year. Figure out how many days a week you want to take out and how much time, along with staff and facilities offered and services for those that purchase boats off your hand like warranty and service.

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    Financing and Location

    When you are ready in theory to start your career as a boat dealer, securing capital and location are the next few practical steps that will allow you to kick everything off in their true sense. Take some time out and decide how much money you will need and from where you can get it from.

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