How to Become a Certified Herbalist

Healing a disease or an injury through herbs is a method adopted by mankind since thousands of years. However, just like any other field of human interest, it has also evolved over the centuries and now we have certified herbalists in almost all parts of the world, as this practice is getting more and more accepted in different countries. Herbs are natural remedies and don't usually have any side effects like others forms of medication. However, it is highly recommended that these herbs be used under the supervision of a certified herbalist. By following the guidelines given below, you can also become a certified herbalist, which can be a good source of income.
Learn about herbalism
Unless or until you gain enough information and knowledge about herbalism, you cannot become a certified herbalist. There is a lot you need to learn in this field, and you can consult books and online sources for this information.
Locate a herbal school
The next step is to find a school or an institute that is certified for herbalist training. You can find many schools in your area by conducting a research over the internet. Choose a school that fits your requirements and check its accreditations.
Enhance your abilities
Some herbal schools offer online classes; whereas, others arrange local ones. Attend the lectures regularly and enhance your skills as a herbalist by studying herbs and their properties, herbal contents and blends. Concentrate on your studies and learn as much as you can from your herbal instructor.
Practical work
In order to become a certified herbalist, you must not be a bookworm. You should work with actual herbs and use them practically in your studies. Do not be shy to experiment and learn from your experiences.
Prepare for your final exams
The last step towards becoming a certified herbalist is to prepare for your final exams and work as hard as you possibly can. The exam will test the knowledge and your ability to use it effectively. Once you clear the exam, you be certified by your school as a herbalist.