How to Become a Competitive Kayaker

Kayaking is one of the most difficult sports as it involves a lot of physical excursion. If you are looking forward for recreational kayaking, you don’t need to become a professional kayaker and you can just do it after a little bit of stretching and warming up. However, if you want to become a competitive kayaker and are aiming to take part in different kinds of competitions which occur during the year, you will have to follow a tough exercise plan. In addition, you will need proper conditioning to become a good kayaker.


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    First of all, you have to prepare your mind for kayaking. If you want to become a competitive kayaker, you will have to follow a tough routine of exercise to become physically fit for the job. You can only achieve physical fitness if you are strong enough mentally.

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    After making up your mind, you have to make a routine for your exercise. You don’t have to do any tough exercises in the beginning, just warm up yourself by doing some push-ups, crunching, jogging and sit-ups during the first few days. Then, gradually move onto tougher exercise and start lifting medium weights.

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    You have to prepare yourself for the tough competition. There are many types of competitions from which you will have to choose the ones which suit you most. For instance, if you are good in sprint, you should go for a shorter distance kayaking. On the other hand, if you are good at long distance ocean kayaking or intense river kayaking, you will require different kind of training.

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    After determining the competition in which you want to take part, you have to select your training plan. You will have to lift dumbbells and lateral pull-ups. In addition, you will have to lift some other balanced and imbalanced weight during your training so as to train and condition yourself for kayaking. You can take help regarding different kind of exercises by going to the website

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    You must also learn how to cope up with the emergency situations during kayaking. Kayaking involves a lot of mental and physical excursion. Besides, you face many different situations during the intense river kayaking. So, you must get ready for all the adventurous stuff before starting the kayaking.

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