How to Become a Famous Painter

Becoming a famous painter may not be as easy as becoming a lesser-known painter, but it is worth the effort if you work diligently and try to achieve your set goals. Since every artist wants to earn a reputation and desires people want to praise their work, believing in yourself is the key to making a progressing and becoming a painter admired by tens of thousands of people.

If you think that you are good enough when it comes to hard work, and you have the passion and ambition, your chances to become famous are bright.

Read on to find out what can work for you.


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    Practice makes perfect

    The first commandment to becoming a famous painter is practice. Practice makes perfect, and if you think that you are already perfect and just need a push to reach the top of the world, you are mistaken. You need to keep practicing so you are in a position to distinguish your work from the others. Remember, creativity is the key to success in this field. Lots of artists present their work in different art galleries, exhibitions and museums — and if your work is not so different from theirs, you will fail to capture the people’s attention.

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    Bring creativity to your work

    Regular practice will help you bring creativity to your work. Creativity is something different from what other painters feature. The best way to learn to be creative is to have look at others’ work and compare them. Different artworks will help you spot a difference between an average work and an above-average work. Try to come up with the most random and natural designs and practice implementing them.

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    Pick subjects you love the most

    Try to work on the things you love. If you are obsessed about culture, try to work on it as your ideas will be transformed into your paintings.  The things you can work on initially can be anything from a simple house to a playground. Try to hone your skills of drawing, designing choosing the right colours.

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    Choose the right tools

    If you are novice, you can start off with simple tools like a pencil and rubber. Drawing objects on a paper and sheets will help you hone basic skills of paintings. You can later use coloured pencils, paint, pastels, and charcoal.

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    Let your family and friends appraise your work

    You can start exhibiting your work by showing it to your friends and family. If they encourage you or point out flaws, you can further improve or correct your work.

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    Create a portfolio

    After you have created a portfolio of your work that includes more than a dozen paintings, you can visit art galleries and different exhibitions. You can get membership at art galleries and museums and get in touch with different professionals.

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