How to Become a Foreign Policy Advisor

A career in foreign relations or foreign policy has become an emerging trend in the contemporary era. The world has moved on from the politics of cold war and nuclear diplomacy and nations now know the importance of the peace in the world. The concept of hard power has become rather obsolete with soft power taking over as the main tool of diplomacy.

In these kinds of circumstances, the importance of a career in foreign policy has increased significantly. But to become a foreign policy advisor, there are several things that should be kept in mind before progressing further.


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    As a foreign policy advisor, one must have a complete command over his work regarding research related to any kind of advice to the government and other institutions on the issues that come under the banner of international affair. For instant, issues like trade, energy, environment and human rights.

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    As a foreign policy advisor, there is no hard and fast rules that you have to work in the foreign services. Usually the preferred choice of the fresh graduates is to get into the state’s foreign office, but there are many other areas where you can work as a foreign policy advisor. International organisations and Non-Governmental organisations have their own foreign policy advisors and there are a lot of jobs available in those areas. Multi-national companies have also stepped up their influence in the international politics and there are many foreign policy advisors working in such companies.

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    As a foreign policy advisor, there is no hard and fast rules that you have to work in the foreign services. Usually the preferred choice of the fresh graduates is to get into the state’s foreign office, but there are many other areas where you can work as a foreign policy advisor. International organisations and Non-Governmental organisations have their own foreign policy advisors and there are a lot of jobs available in those areas. Multi-national companies have also stepped up their influence in the international politics and there are many foreign policy advisors working in such companies.

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    Other sector where you can get a job as a foreign policy advisor includes, universities, think tanks, consulting companies, and other local organisations. There are special journals and magazines related to international relations and foreign policy, which can tell you a lot about jobs opening in the field you are looking for.

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    In order to become a foreign policy advisor in a respectable organisation, you must have a master’s degree in the relevant field. A doctorate or a law degree in addition to the master’s degree is a big plus. The more you are qualified, the more higher position you will be able to achieve. However, you can also enter in this field with a bachelor’s degree in international relations.

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    To get a job in foreign relations, only having a degree is not enough. One must be aware of international affairs and his country’s foreign policy. In addition to that, knowledge of other languages can give you an edge if you are applying for a job in the relevant field.

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