How to Become a Juvenile Lawyer

Juvenile lawyers are the ones who represent minors in a court of law who have committed serious crimes. They can range from theft, attempt to murder, defraud and many others. Juvenile lawyers try their best to defend the accused and also raise the issues affecting the children which lead to such situations. They sometimes also work with non-profit organisations which raise child issues ranging from teen problems to criminal mindset.
Children with issues at their educational institutes might also require the services of juvenile lawyers. They work on a case to case basis to provide children with the kind of services they want and what would be the best solution for them.
Like many other lawyers, you can also choose to become a juvenile lawyer after fulfilling all the legal requirements. We will now try to explain how you can do so.
Complete college degree
The first and foremost step towards your law career is to have a complete college degree. This will enable you to be eligible to apply for a law school of your desired choice. A better CGPA will help you get into a top law school. -
Get into law school
To get into the law school, you need to pass the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The result of the LSAT combined with your CGPA will help you get into a law school. Higher the score, chances are you will get admission into a good law school. -
Pass state’s bar examination
After you complete your law degree, which will not be easy, you will have to pass your state’s bar examination as well in order to start practicing as a lawyer. -
Provide character references
Working in areas relating to children will require you to provide character references. You will have to provide solid character references as part of your requirements. -
Pass criminal background check
You will also have to pass a criminal background check on your state profile. People who have a criminal background might not be able to work as juvenile lawyers. -
Volunteer work
Once all the requirements are complete, you can start your career as a juvenile lawyer. First of all, you will have to do some volunteer work in order to build contacts. This will help you get familiarised with the system and give you valuable experience. -
Juvenile lawyers’ organisations
Once you make good contacts, you can join an organisation which specialises in juvenile cases. This will help you in getting a lot of work along with some decent amount of money.