How to Become a Secret Shopper

If you are looking to improve your monthly income then you should consider working as a secret shopper. Mystery shopping has become a popular trend over the last couple of decades. Companies that want to improve or maintain their quality standards often hire mystery shopper in an effort to monitor the customer services provided by their staff. Already, a large number of organisations in the United States and the UK are hiring secret shoppers for their clients. Complete a certified mystery shopping course and start evaluating customer services in various industries to make money and have some fun.

Things required:

– Mystery shopper certification (Gold or Silver)
– Printer
– Digital Camera
– Scanner
– Fax Machine
– Video Recorder
– Notebook


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    Firstly, you will be required to complete Secret shopping approved certification. The Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) offer two levels at the moment: Silver and Gold. You will need to complete the theoretical based Silver certification to become eligible for taking Gold Certification test. Take the online test and print out the certificate and transcripts to show it to your potential employers.

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    Find some time to visit the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) official website. You will find a lot of useful information on the website regarding how to prepare for the MSPA’s test and find jobs in your region.

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    The Silver certification can be obtained by completing three different modules. You may be required to attend online classes to improve your skills on each subject. The test typically consists of three sections and the process takes two hours. You will have to pay a small upfront free before you can claim your certificate.

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    Do not forget to purchase the equipment required to become a successful mystery shopper. Equipment such as a printer, digital camera, scanners, fax machine, video recorder and notebook can help you improve your efficiency and productivity significantly.

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    Update your resume and start applying to mystery shopping companies in your region. Always ensure to include worthwhile information in your resume. If possible, list your restaurants and shopping experiences, highlighting the key areas of improvement you observed.

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    Find mystery shopping jobs online on various websites. Make a note of the company, login information and the date of application submission as this will help you keep a record of vacancies you are applying for.

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    Do not be too choosy when accepting your first mystery shopping assignment. Work for free if you have to before you are moved to a bigger more permanent project.

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