How to Bell a Cat

Owning a pet is something that is rather fun to do. Just about everyone should own a pet at some point in their life. This is because owning a pet gives you a whole new dimension, and it makes living at home a lot more fun that it normally is.

Now normally, people tend to buy two types of pets. They either go on and buy a dog or a cat. Cats are smaller and are easier to handle and take care of. They also don’t need to go on walks.

However, with them being so small, they tend to get lost in the house from time to time. In order for you to figure out just where the cat is in the house, an ideal thing to do, is to put a collar on the cat which has a bell. It is no easy task to bell a cat, and it needs to be done properly.


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    Before you can go about putting a bell on a cat, the first thing that you need to do, is to go on and own a cat. You can get a cat at a shelter, from a vet or from a pet adoption place.

    Now once you get this cat, you need to develop a relationship with it. Make it trust you and do this by giving it food and freedom of space. Let it do as it pleases, but go on and pet it every now and then.

    This will get the cat used to your touch and will make it not get offended or aggressive when you touch it in the future.

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    Now go on and buy the cat a collar with a bell, or a bell for its existing collar. Once you have this, go on and give the cat some food. Let it eat the food and get very lazy. Once the cat is lazy, it is your opportunity to strike.

    Go on and grab the cat and then place the collar around its neck. Don't hurt it, but be assertive and quick. Once it is around its neck go on and close it. Estimate just what hole to close it in, since you don't want it to be tight or too loose.

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    After the collar is in, give the cat more food, this will distract it and make it forget what just happened. If you don't distract it right away, it will look to remove the collar as soon as it can. Just keep giving it treats and the bell and collar should stay on for a while, after which it will get used to things.

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