How to Blend With Prismacolor Pencils

Painting is an art. The color an artist puts into his artwork depicts the mood and overall theme. And the type of colors chosen is another important thing which the artist has to ponder on. The more the colors are according to the artwork in terms of shade and type the more it attracts to eyes. On the other hand painting is not merely adding colors but it’s often more then this. Color blending is another coloring technique that is used to add more life to the thought the artist wants to reveal in the painting.

It all depends upon the type of painting that is to be blended. But the basic rule that follows behind every blending is to start thinking about the figure in terms of a 3-D (3-dimensional) model. And imagine that there are two types of line patterns that make up this model. One pattern of lines will be going in one direction and upon it, the other pattern of lines will go in an opposite direction just like a crisscross pattern! And this is how we blend each pattern of line with different prismacolors.

Things Required:

-Piece of Paper


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    Getting your prismacolors ready:

    Gather all your prismacolors beforehand and arrange them in order.

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    Choosing the area to blend:

    Next choose the area in your drawing that needs blending.

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    Going 3-D:

    If for instance it’s a tree then start thinking it as a three dimensional figure, as they actually are. To make it more clear just imagine that your tree is wrapped with a net made of two colored strand of wires with patterns that are running in two opposite directions. it. Once you will start thinking of it as 3-D figure you will be able to easily imagine it in a wrapped up crisscross pattern.

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    Next take the suitable color pencils and start coloring in a way as if you are making a pattern running towards one direction.

    Similarly take another pencil with a color that is slightly darker then the last color you chose. Now shade it as if you are drawing a pattern. Make sure that the shading is upon the last pattern in an opposite direction.

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