How to Braid Leather Cord Bracelet

Braiding of leather cord is not a difficult task, but you cannot do it unless you know its basics. It is better you learn the techniques of the job from someone. Helping someone in braiding a cord can help you observe and learn the method, while asking for an advice or a practical help will make your job even easier. It does not pose any risk to take on the job of braiding the leather cord, but if you do not have the basic skills, you simply cannot braid a leather cord. So it is better to learn before braiding a leather cord.


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    Take Three Leather Cords

    Take three separate leather cords and join their ends together. Make sure the length of each cord is equal, although you can cut off the extra length of a cord at the end, after braiding. You can use all three cords of different colours. This will make your braided cord more attractive.

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    Clamping of Cords

    After you have selected all three cords and joined them together, clamp them down under weight of a non-moving subject. It can be a table edge or a stone. Take cords of a foot each at least to help yourself some convenience in braiding. Smaller cords are difficult to braid, especially if you are braiding for the first time.

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    Arranging of Cords

    After selection of leather cords and putting their one ends together under a non-movable weight, arrange them in way that kick starts the braiding process. Leave one cord to the left side long, other in the middle and third in the right side, just like braiding hair with or without a ribbon at the end.

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    Braiding Part

    You can start the braiding part by bringing in the right cord over the center cord in a way that your centre cord will take the right side position while the right cord will move in the centre. Then move the left cord over the centre cord, the one which you have moved from right to the centre position and then move the centre cord to the left position. This finishes your first step of braiding.

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    Braiding On

    Once you have completed the first step of braiding the leather cord successfully, keep on repeating it until you are finished with braiding. If you are braiding as a practice, you can braid the cord as much as you want. Do not leave your cords loose while exchanging their positions over each other.

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