How to Break a Board Using a Round House Kick

Do you want to impress your friends with some martial arts techniques? You don’t need to be a specialist in order to do that, but learning such methods is not an easy task and one needs a lot of practice in order to become perfect.

Although there are numerous fighting techniques in martial arts, you should focus on the ones, which don’t involve violence on others. One of the coolest martial arts tricks is breaking the board using a round house kick.

Like all the other kicks in martial arts, this one is highly effective and can damage your opponent badly. However, you should only try breaking a board with it and use on others only when they attack you for some reason.


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    Get a board and assistant

    In order to perform this trick, you will need one assistant and a board. Make sure that the board is not a very thick one, especially when you are just starting. Once you gain enough strength in your leg to take on difficult challenges, you can experiment with thicker boards. Moreover, your assistant should be aware of properly gripping the board otherwise he/she might also end up sustaining an injury.

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    Position the board

    It is extremely important to position the board correctly otherwise you will be unable to get positive results. Ask the assistant to keep the board near his/her belly and slightly tilted towards the bottom. This way, you will be able to break the board easily. Once you get comfortable with the kick, you can experiment by keeping the board straighter and a bit higher too.

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    Know how to strike

    If you are completely unaware of how to deliver the round house kick, you should read about it first. You are not going to use the upper part of your leg for this technique, so make sure you have enough strength in your shin and the top part of the foot. These are the only two areas, which will be striking the board.

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    Take your aim

    Focus hard on your aim and count till three before delivering the round house kick. You should focus on transferring the entire body weight into the kick in order to break the board with ease.

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    Deliver the kick

    You can now deliver the kick right in the centre of the board. Keep one of your feet grounded firmly whereas use the upper part of your foot to hit the board.

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