How to Break Deadlocks in Business Negotiation

There is a deal that is very important to your business. However, you and your partner disagree on some points and have reached a deadlock. Even the most promising looking deals can reach a deadlock on some issue, be it price, date, a term or any other point. A business deadlock happens when both parties are not willing to make concessions for each other and become stubborn on their stance. Deadlocks in business deals can prove to be expensive for both sides because each passing day means the opportunity cost of the delayed deal. Managers should be apt at breaking deadlocks and moving the negotiation forward. However, it is important that the deadlock is broken at fair terms and not by forgoing own company interests.
Keep communication flowing:
Even if your company has reached a complete deadlock, keep a formal communication channel open so that you can find ways out mutually. It is important to keep away personal egos from business deals so that a rational decision is made. -
Change settings:
To break the deadlock, it is important to change the settings of the negotiation so that there is this underlying feeling of starting afresh. It is better to choose a location that is neutral to both the parties. For a breakthrough, it is also important that the head negotiators are changed. This will ensure that things will be analyzed in a different way with a solution finding approach. Taking a break before starting the next round of negotiation can give a feeling of refreshment and an attitude to get done with things. -
Give negotiators power:
In the second round of negotiations, give the representative of your company greater decision making power. He should be an authority on the deal and you should trust him with the decision he is going to make after evaluating all the options. -
Present your reasoning:
There is a reason why the deal reached a deadlock. Both parties should openly discuss their reservations with each other so that everything is in the open now. Perhaps with a greater level of understanding and empathy, you can carve out an option that is a win-win for both of you. Of course both of the companies might have to let go of a few optimal options.