How to Breed English Mastiffs

English Mastiffs are a source of pride for their owners. These dogs are good looking, courageous an extremely loyal. They have a large stature and yet are very friendly which is the reason why they one of the preferred breeds. They are born guards with no need of much training because of their natural disposition to protect the owners. Mastiffs do not bark much but they have a terror of their own with their powerful muscles and huge build. While they give strangers and mischief mongers a hard time, they are very friendly and sociable with their own owners and kids. Breeding mastiffs requires extreme care because you want the same high standard from every breed and so have to take care of every minute detail. If you manage to master the art of breeding them, not only will it satisfy your own love for the dog but you might also be able to sell them at a good price. Have a look at what our step by step guide has about breeding this wonderful guard dog.
You have to arrange for a male mastiff and a female one. If you have one of the genders, borrow another from a friend. You can also consider paying someone for borrowing or buying stud. Some people just want a pick out of the litter. Make sure that both the parents are mastiffs. Look for breeding dogs in excellent health so that there are no genetic defects in the litter. You can also avail genetic test for different health problems common in mastiffs like heart and eye issues. Mastiffs also commonly suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia. Since mastiffs are such a great breed, its worth the effort. Mastiffs can be bred only after they are eighteen months old.
You have to mate the male stud with female mastiff when she is during her heat cycle. You can also arrange for artificial insemination with the help of a veterinarian. It is better to take advice from professional breeders before deciding to artificially inseminate.
Take care of the female mastiff during pregnancy and provide ample nutrition and food. It is better if you have a veterinarian called in at the time of birth, should there be any complications. Once the babies are born, make sure they receive all the necessary immunizations and injections. You can also sell the puppies to interested buyers through advertising or word of mouth. Mastiff is a breed which is always in a great demand so you will not have much problem with it. However, raising mastiff babies with all the medical care involved can be costly.