How to Breed Fire Belly Toads

Fire belly toads are a group of small frogs, that are given their name because of the brightly coloured stomach that they possess. Their stomachs are usually very bright, and almost the same colour as fire. This is to keep potential predators away, and to warn them that the toads mean business.

These toads from China, and grow to a maximum of two inches in size. They tend to eat small insects and worms, which is why it is so easy to breed them in captivity.


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    Find out genders

    Before you get to the breeding process, the first thing that you need to do, is for you to go on and distinguish the breeds of your frogs. You need to know which frog is male and which frog is female. This is rather crucial for the breeding process.

    It is normally very hard for untrained eyes to detect which frog is which, and for this reason, it is smarter to visit a vet and to ask them for help.

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    Place in enclosure

    Now the next idea is to go on and place the male and the female frogs in a stable enclosure. This could be a above average sized aquarium, or anything along those lines.

    You need not worry about the frogs going at each other, because if you provide them with decent amounts of food, they won’t resort to trying to eat each other.

    At the same time, try putting in two male frogs along with four females, in order to get the best possible results from your attempted frog breeding session.

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    Place aquarium and monitor temperature

    The next step is for you to put the aquarium away for about six weeks, in order for the breeding to take place. You need to maintain the temperature, and make sure it never drops too low. This is because low temperatures could result in the frogs dying.

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    Monitor and transfer eggs

    The next step is to monitor the activities of the frogs, and to make sure some progress is being made.

    You need to make sure the breeding is taking place, and once that does happen, keep an eye out for the females laying eggs.

    Once you spot the eggs and confirm that they have been laid, transfer them to another aquarium, one which has about three inches of water. This will aid the eggs hatching.

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