How to Breeze Through Airport Security

After the tragic event of September 11th, the big problem for air travellers is airport security which has increased significantly over the past couple of years. Due to this increased airport security, passengers have to hustle through slow lines and getting frisked can unnerve the best of us. However, people who travel on a regular basis can pass through security points easily using the Transport Security Administration (TSA). If you want to breeze through airport security with the help of the TSA then follow some easy techniques.


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    Transport Security Administration (TSA)

    This is the best option to pass through the security checkpoints. Remember that in order to use this facility you will need to pay around $100 per year to get in a program that lets Transport Security Administration to do a “Security Threat Assessment” on you before your air travel. Be aware of the fact that just one company uses the TSA's pre-screening program at the moment. It is known as Clear and is used by Verified Identity Pass, Inc. which is a private company. It is regulated and authorised by the airport and the TSA.

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    How to enrol in the program?

    In order to join the process you need to complete the forms available on Clear’s website. After that, you have to go to an enrolment station at a designated airport to have your fingerprints and a picture of your iris taken. While joining the program you will need to answer a number of questions about your life and other things. Clear encourages people to have their driver’s license number, home addresses in the last five years, Social Security number, current credit card and alien registration number while filling forms online.

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    Further instructions

    Make sure to bring two government issued identification like a driver’s license and birth certificate. Moreover, if you have a US passport, then bring it along as well. In order for your application to be sent, you should provide your iris image and fingerprints. After you have been termed a safe citizen, you will receive the smart card after being notified via email. You can now use this smart card to help you get through the airport screening process while you travel.

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