How to Build a Canopy for a Wood Swing

Canopy on a wood swing provides an amazing experience of privacy and protects against harsh weather conditions. In addition, it looks far more beautiful and attractive as compared to other types of canopies. You can easily build a canopy for a wood swing. All you need is a little time and few other things. If you are looking forward to make a canopy, you can take help from the given steps.

Things Required:

– About 25 pine
– Dowels 2 ½-inches diameter
– Several 4-inch stove
– Bolts ¼-inch in diameter
– Measuring tape
– Desired fabric for the canopy like vinyl or polyester fibre
– Sewing machine
– Drill Hammer
– Nails


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    First of all, you have to take all the required measurement for the height and width of the canopy. Start from the height. You have to take the measurement from the ceiling. Then, measure the height of all the four ends of your canopy. Now, measure the width and number of dowels which are required.

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    After taking the necessary measurements of height and width, you have to measure the amount of fabric which you may need so as to cover your canopy.

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    Now, you have to cut the dowels according to the measurement you took in the first step with the help of a lumber yard. After cutting them, you have to make a frame with the help of the dowels. Attach every piece carefully and tighten all the bolts firmly.

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    Then, you have to fix the rails as a cross. You should fix the bottom first. Then, move to the top. Repeat the same procedure to fix the other side of the rails. It is will important to note that the rails may overlap each other, but it will still look amazing.

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    Take the hammer and put the dowels into the lattice according to the measurements you took. To give your frame more attractive look, let the dowels overlap. You must keep in mind that you have to insert the lattice right in the centre of the two posts of the frame. But, it can be on either side.

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    Now, you have to sew the fabric which will cover your canopy. Use the best quality fabric to cover your canopy.  Your fabric must be waterproof and not too heavy so that you can move your canopy easily in any direction you want.

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