How to Build a Pole Barn Garage

Building a pole barn garage is relatively easier to do than any other wooden building construction. It won’t cost you a lot to build up a pole barn and even you can do it by yourself. You might need the assistance of a helper during the process and some carpenter’s tools to do the job. The technique involved in the process is the same as the one required for making basic pole-building constructions and there is not any rocket science behind it. Despite of not having any foundations, pole buildings are very sturdy.


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    You need to choose a flat area for building your barn garage. Mark the dimensions on the ground you wish to construct, laying out all the corners and door.

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    Examine the type of soil is present on that area. Sandy and gravelly soils are considered to be ideal for pole buildings, rather than clay-rich soils.

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    Dig out 3-foot deep holes on every marked corner on the ground. This will allow you to fully examine the layers of soil beneath the ground. Remember to fulfill any legal requirements, like building, electric and plumbing permits, before starting up the construction.

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    Use a measuring tape to mark the exact dimensions of the barn and set batter boards in each corner. Place the boards four feet back from the corner and into the ground.

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    Stretch a string between the boards and make sure a perfect square is formed. These strings are placed for correct post alignment and marking the corners of the barn.

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    Affix a 2-by-8 inch skirt board with nails at the bottom of the posts and make sure it is parallel to the lines of the walls. Now nail up 2-by-6 inch girt boards around the walls but make sure to leave the opening for your door in the front.

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    You will be required to nail a 2-by-8 header for the door opening over the top after you have installed three girt boards up the wall.

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    Assemble the roof trusses from 2-by-6 inch lumber and joist tie plates as per your plan. Then cut a 1 ½ inch deep notch at the top of every wall post and set a truss into it, secured with bolts.

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    You have to connect the trusses with the horizontal roof supports and you can do it by laying them on every 2 feet parallel with the line of the wall. Installing cross braces for the reinforcement of trusses is required on each end.

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    Install metal roof and wall panels to give the final touch to your barn garage. Use concrete to form the floor and install a door to conclude your construction.

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