How to Build a Tetrahedral Kite

Tetrahedral kite is made up of many diamond shaped parts. It is easy to construct and fly. In addition, this kite is used to teach aerodynamics to students.

Things Required:

– Sturdy sting
– Straws
– Glue
– Tissue paper


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    Gather the items

    First of all you need to gather all the supplies and check the work area. You need to have around 60 straws for a single kite plus ten pieces of 36 inch string. Furthermore, you will need ten diamond shaped tissue paper pieces.

    Remember you will also require string to fly the finished product. You can get a ball of string or roll of string.

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    Attach straw to 36-inch string

    After gathering all the equipments, you need to string straws to the 36-inch string. Remember to string three straws at a time. After this, you need to tie a knot which will be short from one end and long from the other. The knot should be approximately two inches far from the shorter side. This process will make a triangle.

    Remember not to cut the extra string in the longer end as you will be required to add more straws.

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    Add two more straws

    Next you will add two more straws to the longer end of the triangle you made in the previous step. This will make another triangle and will give an overall look of a diamond. Don’t forget to tie a knot to secure this triangle.

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    Give it a pyramid shape straw structure

    After making a diamond, get a 16-inch string and pass it through a straw. Then tie the string to the top and bottom of the diamond to give a pyramid shape look.

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    Glue the tissue paper

    Then you need to glue the tissue paper on the structure after cutting it in appropriate shapes. You need to cut the tissue paper slightly bigger than the pyramid you made earlier. Remember to cut 10 diamond shaped tissue papers.

    Later you need to cover two sides of the pyramid with tissue papers and then glue it together.

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    Repeat the steps

    After making one, you need to repeat steps from attaching straws to attaching tissue paper nine more times.

    In the end tie all ten pyramids together in a pyramid shape. You can give this look by placing six on the bottom, three on the centre and one on the top.

    Remember that tissue paper should be on the same side in order to fly the kite you made.

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