How to Build a Windmill Using a Car Alternator

Alternator of the car can be used to make wind turbines at home. It is your first step in achieving self sufficiency as windmill will enable you to charge your car batteries and meet a major chunk of your home’s electricity requirements through wind energy.

A windmill can be constructed in a house with the help of inexpensive and commonly available tools. You should set aside one complete day for this project.

Things Required:

– Car alternator
– 100 feet copper wire set
– Solution tape
– Screw drivers
– Sheet metal
– Metal snips
– Stand or pole
– Long mount bolts


  • 1

    First part of construction of the windmill needs to be completed in computer software. Design the wind mill and work out the size of alternator and the fan required for the project. If you already have an alternator with you, build your mill around the alternator and calculate the size of the wind mill blades.

  • 2

    The height of the pole depends on the locality. If you have good breeze in your neighbourhood, you do not need a very long pole. Decide the number of blades required for your windmill. Place the metal sheet on the floor and cut the required number of blades for your wind mill. You can go for any size of windmill but it is recommended to cut the blades 4 feet in length and about 8 inches wide.

  • 3

    Fix the blades to the centre hub either with the help of welding torch or using strong long bolts. If there is an extended part of the blade on the other side of the hub bend it to about 30 degrees so that the blade has a perfectly shaped curve. Then turn the faces of all blades in one direction.

  • 4

    Fix the hub to the automotive pulley system and take out the smaller gears by turning the pulley into clock wise direction. Take out all gears except one, the last one will be used to tighten the pulley.

  • 5

    Fix a bike tire to the pulley mechanism so that when the blades turn one rotation, the tire also makes rotation. Fix the alternator on top of the bike tire and connect the output terminals of alternator to battery for storage.

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