How to Build an Ice Skating Rink

Ice skating is one of the most admired sports. You can easily go to an ice skating club to have a wonderful experience on skates. However, if you don’t have any ice skating club near your house, you can build your own rink in the backyard of your house or any other place.
If you are looking forward to build your own ice skating rink, you can take help from the given steps.
Things Required:
First of all, you have to find the right place to build your ice skating rink. It will be better to seek an open place where no one gets disturbed by your skating activities. Normally, the backyard of the house is considered as the most appropriate place. But, if you don’t have a backyard or you don’t want to build the rink there, you can find any other suitable place for it.
After finding the right place, you will have to take the necessary measurements of your rink. The rink is usually rectangular in shape. However, if you want to build it in any other shape, you can do it. It is extremely important for you to take all the essential measurements carefully so as to build your rink properly. It will be good to verify all the measurements twice.
Then, you have to lay down the wooden planks to the whole area where you intend to build your ice skating rink. After that, remove the temporary support gradually in order to drive lasting stake into the surface. Now, you have to attach the stake with the help of the screws firmly.
Repeat the procedure mentioned in the previous step to drive all the pieces of the planks into the surface. Don’t forget to tighten them firmly. If there are any gaps in the planks, insert small planks in those gaps. You may have to use a hammer to put the small planks into the ground.
Cut the extra planks to make the surface leveled and fill the rink with pea gravel completely. Then, you have to level the gravel. Now, put the plastic sheets on the rink and fill it with water. Let the water freeze and enjoy the ice skating.