How to Build an Igloo at Home

Igloos are used to provide shelter in ruthless conditions of arctic, as they are warmer  inside. In case you are stuck in cold and stormy weather, you might want to build an igloo in order to keep warm and safe.

Igloos can be easily built in home. However, the temperature and climate should be accordingly. Igloos are most commonly made from hard-packed snow which provides strength and stability for the structure.

Things Required:

– Sticks
– Snow shovel or snow spade
– Hand saw
– Knife
– Hard snow


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    Find an appropriate place or spot where you can build the igloo. You need to seek out field of compact and dense snow. Then use the stick in order to draw a perimeter of the igloo. You can make igloo of diameter of six feet which is ideal for two people.

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    Cut the snow

    Next you need to make the snow blocks by cutting the snow. You need to cut the blocks almost six to 12 inches thick but make sure they can easily be carrier. However, also look that the blocks do not break with the weight of another block which is placed over it. Remember that you will be required to place large blocks in the bottom and smaller blocks on the top.

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    Arrangement of blocks

    Next you need to place the blocks in a circular pattern which you marked with the sticks. Then you need to place them slightly inwards in order to give a shape of dome. After laying the first slope, form a slope with the help of knife or shovel. This will lead the other blocks to be in a spiral pattern.

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    Stack the blocks

    Next you need to stack the blocks of snow further. You need to angle the blocks inwards and move from bottom towards upward. You should lower the floor of the igloo and you can do this by digging with the spade.

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    Placements of last few blocks

    You need to place the last few blocks of the snow in a way they fit properly on the top of igloo dome. You need to cut them accordingly.

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    Make an L-shaped entry tunnel with more snow blocks and cut a small entryway. In this way, any storm or wind will be stopped from entering the igloo.

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    Check the igloo from the outside and fill up any spaces or gaps left.

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