How to Build Realistic Wood Toys

There have been many incidents when large toy companies had to cease their operations just because of the hazardous outcomes resulting from the use of their toys. Certain synthetic materials might be poisonous for children. You can bring out your creative skills in a number of different ways and making toys by yourself can one of the effective ways to do so. Using wood to carve out toys requires certain skill and care but it can be a real fun-filled activity at the same time. You can set out to create some of the most beautiful toys for your children by your own.
Things Required:
– wood patterns
– basic wood working tools
– wood paints
– wood vise
– clamps
– small workbench
– power saw
– drill machine
– appropriate carving tool
– sandpaper
You need to gather up all the tools you require, including a wood vise, clamps, small workbench, power saw and drill machine, at one place to avoid wastage of time.
It is important to determine the size of your project, as the size of the saw will depend directly upon it. For instance, if you are up to make a large cradle or dollhouse, you might require a table saw for cutting wood to the appropriate size. On the other hand, if you plan to make smaller toys, like figurines, trains or cars, a handheld jigsaw can be effectively used.
The choice of wood also is vital in the entire process. Oak and pine wood is preferred by the woodworkers. Oak is suitable for action toys, whilst pine is a better option if you want to create board games or cradles. Pine is also easier to carve but oak toys can last for decades.
You need to entirely follow the directions on the pattern of your toy while carving it. Make sure to sand every part of the toy to remove any splinters and make its surface smoother. It is better to sketch out the picture of the toy you are making and using it as a model will make it easier for you.
Once you have finished with carving, you can paint the toy appropriately. If you have made an animal, paint it with the same colour as the life model. You can apply varnish to bring shine to your wooden toys.