How to Buy a Christmas Tree

Every year millions of families all across the globe shop for and buy Christmas trees to enhance their enjoyment for Christmas season. According to the report of the National Christmas Tree Association (NCTA), “Millions of trees are planted every year for Christmas and millions of families shop for and buy Christmas Trees.” It is one among the most exiting family activities as you come across huge variety of Christmas trees in various shapes and colors. However, finding a perfect Christmas tree within your budget and requirement is no doubt a challenging task. This simple guide contains all the necessary procedures to train you how to buy Christmas Tree.
Decide Where to Buy From?
Go to your nearest nursery, garden center or plant store to buy a Christmas tree. On the other hand, you can buy a Christmas tree online as there are numerous "Click companies," offering wide range of tree along with online payment and shipment facilities. For example, Christmas Tree Galor and are the best examples. However, visiting a shop personally and selecting a Christmas tree by clearly studying and feeling it has its own benefits. -
Find Out About the Tree
Go through the available tress and observe them thoroughly. Take your time and ask the seller about the types and characteristic of the available trees. White Pine, Fraser, Douglas, Scotch, Balsam Firs, Noble, Colorado Blue Spruce and Virginia are some of the best selling Christmas trees. Last but not the least; do not forget to ask about the durability of the available trees, especially, if you want to keep it for long time.
Select a Tree with Appropriate Size
Select the one with an appropriate size, keeping the available space in your house in mind. Medium sized Christmas tree is the best option as it is easy to carry and perfect from maintenance point of view. -
Check out the Freshness of the Tree
Look into the health / condition of the tree under observation. Make sure it is healthy, fresh and free from all sort of insects. -
Check the Branches of the Tree
Look into the density and texture of the branches. Tree with few branches at distance look unattractive and weak. Therefore, select the ones with thick density of the branches on the trunk. -
Check Out the Color
Various pine trees possess different shades of green. Select the lush green tree. The one that is mostly brown is a poor Christmas tree choice. -
Check out the Needles
Smell the fresh needles and bark of the trees. Run your hands along the branches of the trees and select the one with springy needles. Most of the needles should hold on the branches of the tree, even when you tug on the smoothly. -
Weight it
Weight the trees and select the one that is heavy, properly proportionate to its overall weight. The trees with higher water content are found to be fresh and healthy. -
Make the Payment
Make the payment to the seller and ask them to wrap the tree with some newspapers and plastic bags so the soil from the pot does not spill out in the car while taking it to your home. -
Load the Tree very Carefully
Load the tree in your car with great care, making sure that the branches are not bending. -
Treat the Tree tenderly
Once you take the tree home, keep it outside in a shaded place for couple of days -preferably in standing water. -
Prune the Tree
Grab a good axe or saw and cut about an inch off the butt end in order to open up its pores, before bringing it indoor. -
Welcome your Christmas Tree
Welcome your selected tree into your home sweet home and take care of it.