How to Buy a Mega Million Lottery Ticket Online

If you are interested in taking part in the biggest lottery game in the United States, the Mega Lucky draw, then you may think that you will have to visit an authorised dealer to buy the tickets. To purchase the Mega Millions lottery tickets, you must be a resident of the following states.
– California
– Georgia
– Illinois
– Maryland,
– Massachusetts
– Michigan
– New Jersey
– New York
– Ohio
– Texas
– Virginia
– Washington
If you do not belong to any of the above mentioned states, then you can only participate if you buy tickets from some of the reputable lottery websites.
There are a number of reputable and legitimate lottery ticket-selling websites available online. Terms and conditions vary from website to website. Therefore, you should carefully read them before you make your final decision about purchasing a ticket from a particular website.
Before you purchase any ticket, make sure that the website is offering a proper registration process on their website. If they do not do so, you should try to avoid making any purchase from that particular website, and hit the back button.
You can also read reviews about the website, before making any purchase. You will find different websites where you will find reviews about different lottery website available online. Go for the ones which have good reputation online. In the meantime, do not go for the website which has positive reviews posted only on one reviewing website or forum.
Most of the websites offer services in such a way that they will buy ticket for you and will only send you if you win the prize. In case you win the prize, the company will send you a notification email about your winning. You can then ask either to send you the ticket, or authorise the company to collect the prize on your behalf and then transfer the winning amount directly to your bank account.
Some of the websites may not send you the tickets, if you win small prize money. They will just collect your money and will deposit the amount in the account that you hold with them. Thereafter, you will have to verify your identity for security reasons. Moreover, you will have to take care of any tax forms, if applicable.