How to Buy an Energy Usage Monitoring Device

Control of spending power in the house can be performed with the help of an electric meter when it becomes necessary to do it yourself. For example, you rent an accommodation to multiple users, and set the counter to general.
In this case, you want to split the cost of electricity in proportion to their electricity consumption. Or you need to calculate the load on the network for the correct selection of the power supply in a newly built country house. Finally, you need to check whether your computer is working.
To account for the consumption of electricity, make a table. It includes all the electrical consumers - computers, printers, scanners (office equipment), lighting equipment, household appliances (microwave, fridge, electric kettle or coffee maker). Power consumption of these devices can be find out, given that you can determine the consumption empirically with the help of energy monitoring device available in the market.
Place multiple users in separate columns. Multiply the power of each appliance in kW by its running time in hours (per day).As a result, you will define the energy consumption (kWh / per day). Multiplying this figure by the number of working days in a month, you can get the power consumed by each user per month.
Create a table at Microsoft Excel, a program that can be used to store extensive data and make necessary calculation. Apply a simplest formulas in rows (to consumers) and columns (users). In this way it can be find out how much energy has been consumed by each user. Now divide the cost of power between users as a percentage of total consumption.
If you need to determine the cost of electricity in your home and if your home contains central heating system with electric or gasoline geyser, add two additional lines: electric boiler and water heater respectively.
Select the type of boiler for calculating the amount of heated space and the maximum possible low air temperatures. By type of boiler, determine and record its capacity, while working during the day and the number of days in the month.
Multiplying this figure on the price per kilowatt / hour, you can get the electricity consumption in monetary terms. If you want to calculate the cost of purchasing and maintaining an electrical power source (power line to the nearest substation, diesel generator, solar panel or wind turbine with additional converters, batteries). Select the appropriate source and use it to supply electricity to your home.