How to Buy Firearms in California

Buying firearms can be tricky but if you take some important things into consideration, the process is quite simple. There are many different places in California from where you can easily buy firearms. Usually it is not a big deal buying firearms in California but still you need to follow some basic guidelines before you go and buy firearms. It is also important that some of the US states have different rules and regulations regarding buying firearms. According to government rules, it is an individual’s right to keep arms for self defense.
Personal right
Every US citizen has right to keep firearms for self defense. It was amended in the United States constitution and now almost everyone in the country knows about this amendment. You should need to know that despite its legal value, there are still things which are important to understand before you buy a gun or any kind of firearm. There are some specific rules and qualifications to keep in mind as well. You should be the right age along with being free from a criminal record and your mental state of health should be sound. It is also important that you should be an American citizen. However if you are not US citizen, there will be different rules and regulations which will applied to you while trying to buy a firearm. -
Right age
If you are under age, you will not be able to buy any kind of rifle or gun. There are rules written as you should be 18 years or older. You can face a complex legal situation if you do not abide by the rules. -
Criminal record
According to Federal law 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1), you cannot possess any firearm if you are a convicted felon. -
Mental situation of an individual
It is also important that you should be careful before buying any firearm especially if your mental state of health is not stable. -
California driver’s License
After gathering all the important information, now is the time you need apply for personal firearms eligibility check (PFEC) application. For applying for this license you need your driver’s license. After submitting your application, you will get your license in a few weeks.