How to Buy Minnows for Bait Fishing

Fishing is one of the most common hobbies in areas where there are large bodies of water. It does not require you to go deep into the water or need special equipment. It can be a lot of fun and you can have some fresh fish to eat in the end.

There are some elements that must be taken care of in order to properly fish. Having the right bait is one of them. Minnows are generally what is used for this purpose and it is not very difficult to get the right minnows for the purpose.


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    Buy a Bait Bucket

    In order to carry the bait, you will need a bucket. There are many buckets available in the market that are designed specifically for the purpose of carrying bait. You can buy one that suits your particular needs. If you love to go fishing with friends and fish on a consistent basis, a larger bucket would be a good idea. You may need more than one in some cases. It will save you from water splashing in your car and bait spreading all over the place when you go fishing.

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    Find a Bait Store

    You are likely going to find these near the areas in which fishing takes place. It is a good idea that you pick one that is close to the spot where you fish so that the minnows are still fresh while you reach your destination. Maintain good relations with the shop’s owner and you can expect better rates and service along with products from the store.

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    Have Enough Buckets

    If you have a bunch of minnows, it may be ideal that you have multiple minnow buckets available to you. In case the fish are overcrowded, they find breathing difficult and can die as a result. Make sure that you spread them in several buckets to avoid such a situation.

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    Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes

    Minnows can very quickly die in case of a sudden shift in temperature. Make sure that you keep them in the same water temperature in the bucket as they were in the store. If there is a difference, most of them will and the surviving ones will be lethargic and will not be good bait.

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