How to Calculate Expected Value in Poker

If you want to start playing poker and that too with money, you need to know the expected value and how you can use it in order to win at big tables in a casino. Understand that the expected value is applying general statistical methods. In this card game, you have to make use of this to find the probability of any outcome at the end of a betting hand. Smart players use statistical odds in each hand. However, their expected value calculations are just a part of the overall tactic. This is because poker is a mixture of psychology, math and a few other factors. You can find the expected value in poker through various methods.


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    Getting started

    First, look at your present hand and check any face up cards along with the used cards from the previous hand in the deck. This will allow you to identify prospective outcomes. These will be your fundamentals for finding the expected value of what you wish to happen in the next hand. In addition to this, take every possibility and calculate the statistical probability for that particular outcome. Remember, that in this card game, it might be extremely difficult to find it. As a result of this, take all relevant factors to your benefit and approximate if required.

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    Find the odds

    Multiply all possibilities with their respective probabilities to calculate the odds. On the other hand, take account of the player psychology and add it to the statistics. With the calculations of expected value in poker, you are taking account of various things as to how a player plays his hand. Ponder about which cards the opponent has drawn, whether the gamble has been raised in every round and a few other factors according to poker and your rivals.

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    Check how to find the expected value

    You can make use of “odds calculator” to determine how to calculate the expected value in poker. This you can achieve by going on the internet. Know that these online helpers can be useful to second guess a hand that has already taken place. In this case, all of the possibilities and outcomes are known beforehand. After that, you can use these findings for use in your future poker games. Be aware that poker is not a computer game and has other factors involved in it.

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