How to Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate

Understanding the working process of your body’s internal system can help you out to maintain good health and eat sensibly. You should be aware of how your eating habits and physical workouts affect your body system and how they can be used to make your body strong. Basal metabolism rate (BMR) is one of such important thing you need to know about your body. BMR is actually the amount of energy expended by a human body or animals at rest or minimal activity every day. This figure is greatly affected by your height, weight, gender and age. Once you know the BMR of your body, you can get a starting point of your diet regimen, as you will know how much calories your body needs on a daily basis and how the diet plan should be followed.

However, you cannot calculate your BMR instantly and it will require you to spend some time. You will also have to take account of physical activities and the consumption of calories while determining your diet plan for weight loss.


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    To evaluate the BMR, you can make use of the online calculator. Just visit the website ‘’ and click on the option of ‘Calculate BMR’ from the home page. You will be asked to fill in your height, weight, age and gender and the online calculator will provide you the BMR value. A green bar will appear on the page, which will tell you the minimum amount of calories your body needs per day during inactivity. However, there might be several other factors which affect the actual BMR value of your body and the online results might not be that much correct.

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    Keep a track of  the physical activities you perform in a day. For instance, write down how much physical exertion you make and what type of exercise you perform. The NutriStrategy’s chart can be used for determining the amount of calories you burn as a result of physical exertion. You can add this value to the BMR for determining the actual amount of calories you need per day.

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    Maintain a diary to note down what you eat for a day and look at the nutrition labels on the food items to determine the value of calories they contain.

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    You have to re-perform Step 2 and 3 for seven straight days before you can reach an average value of your calorie intake.

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    Now compare the number of calories you intake and the number of calories you burn in a week. You can now develop a diet plan according to the threshold needs of your body and effectively lose some weight by following your regimen.

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