How to Care for a Pregnant Mother in Labor

Having a child is one of the most beautiful things that a mother experiences. However, it may be the most difficult thing for women as she can suffer from raging hormones, swollen feet and feeling of discomfort. In case your friend or a relative is in labor pain, there is no need to panic and run here or there. At this period of time, a woman does not necessarily needs her husband but requires someone who will help her ease the stress. You are required to stay calm, focus and help the new one come out.


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    Be patient

    You should stay calm at all the time. This is to prevent your wife from getting more stress. There is a high chance that she will get mad at you and say a lot of bad stuff. However, you should stand by her all the time and should not break down under the stress.

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    Prepare yourself for going into the delivery room

    You need to set your mind that you will be going in the delivery room and see many things which may make you feel uncomfortable. It is advisable for people who have unsettled stomach to take nausea medication before entering the delivery room. This is because you might see different types of body fluids. Usually the doctor asks you whether you want to see the birth or not. In case he doesn’t then you should tell your doctor before that you will be standing besides your wife and not see the actual birth area.

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    Stay by her

    You need to stay with your wife all the time. In case the labor is taking too long then you should take some rest. You need to help your wife with her breathing during contractions and hold her hand. You should avoid directing your wife as you do not want to mix directions with the doctor.

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    You should put blanket on your wife if she feels cold. In case she is hot, you should use a cold cloth to wipe her forehead.

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    Your wife should be the most precious thing

    You need to keep in mind that at this time, you wife should be the most important thing. You should avoid complaining about yourself i.e. refrain complaining about your back or any other problem. Just take care of your wife and praise her all the time. Tell her that she is doing great and other encouraging words.

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