How To Care for Skin After a Chemical Peel

Chemical peel is a process to remove the top, damaged layers of the skin, to reveal fresh and healthy tissue underneath and make the face appear smoother, younger and rejuvenated. It is an effective cosmetic procedure used to treat acne marks, dull skin and sun damage.

Chemical peels can be had at a dermatologist or plastic surgeon’s office as well as at home. These peels vary in depth from being superficial to very deep. Owing to the nature of this treatment, it is strongly recommended to care for your skin after undergoing a chemical peel. Post treatment care varies depending on the type of peel and condition of your skin, but there are some tips that are universal and every individual who has received this type of treatment should follow.


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    Sun Protection

    Remember your skin becomes more vulnerable to Ultra Violet (UV) rays after undergoing a chemical peel, so avoid sun exposure as much as you can. It would be best to avoid the sun completely in the first couple of weeks after a peel. Wearing a sunscreen is the best way to protect your skin from UV rays, but the skin becomes sensitive to chemical sunscreens after such a cosmetic treatment. Depending upon the depth of the peel, you may be advised by your dermatologist to avoid sunscreen post-treatment until the skin completes the peeling phase. So try to protect your face from sunlight with the help of hats and sunglasses. You can also use a physical sunblock containing zinc oxide.

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    Be gentle with your skin

    Instead of using a stiff washcloth on your face, switch to a gentler option like facial sponges or a baby washcloth. Itching or burning are common post-peel discomforts, but do not pick or scratch your skin at any cost. Picking, scratching or otherwise touching the treated skin increases risk of infection.

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    Since dry skin is more vulnerable to cracks and possible scaring, it is important to keep the new skin soft and moist. Use a gentle moisturizer two to four times a day, but make sure your product should not contain exfoliants or irritating ingredients. Also avoid over-moisturizing.

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    Don’t exfoliate

    Your aesthetician has already shed the dry and dead skin. Using facial scrubs and exfoliants during post treatment period will only irritate your skin further and could cause scarring in the skin.

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