How to Celebrate Pigs-in-a-blanket Day

If you are in a mood to celebrate Pigs in a blanket Day on April 24, then there is no need to rush to the farm and wrap any pigs in blanket. Instead, you should have to wrap some miniature hot dogs in a ketchup-covered puff pastry, which are then later on baked, in the oven. The Pigs in a Blanket is a delicious finger food that is popular especially in kids and cocktail party guests almost everywhere in the world. The best way to celebrate this day is cooking them at home and enjoying with your loved ones. Apart from this, there are many other exclusive ideas in order to make it another eventful day of your life.


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    Wish your friends

    You might be having many friends who just love to eat anything delicious. Make sure to wish them a very Happy Pigs-in-a-blanket Day early in the morning on April 24. You can send your loved one some beautiful messages or interesting facts about the Pigs-in-a-blanket via mobile or through social websites.

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    Throw a Party

    Celebrations of  Pigs-in-a-blanket Day are often incomplete without a party. Therefore, invite your friends, family members, and colleagues at your place and enjoy. You can make Pigs in a Blanket for them and can share your idea regarding the variations in the original recipe of Pigs in a Blanket.

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    Pigs in a Blanket baking competition

    Pigs in a Blanket baking competition can be organized anywhere like your own house, friend’s place or somewhere outside if possible. Ask the participants to bake Pigs in Blanket using their own recipe. The one whose recipe proves to be the best, should be given prize. However, it is good to know the basics before baking Pigs in Blanket.

    Utensils: Baking Sheet, knife, baking sheet
    4 standard hot dogs or 24 small sausages
    18-Count crescent roll dough
    Ketchup or sauce
    Baking Directions:
    Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F or 190 degrees centigrade.
    Unroll each croissant dough triangle and cut each hot dog into two.
    Now, wrap all the pieces in crescent roll dough. It is good to smoke hot dogs a little.
    Place all the wrapped hot dogs on a greased baking sheet, placing them 1 inch away from each other.
    Bake in the pre-heat oven for about 15 minutes until they turn golden brown and allow them to cool before serving.

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