How to Celebrate Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas was a great saint of the fourth century, hailing from Myra in Lycia. He is also known as Nikolaos, and a number of miracles are attributed to him, which is the reason why he is called ‘Nikolaos the Wonderworker’. Saint Nicholas was an extremely generous man, having immense fondness for children. December 6th of each year is celebrated as Saint Nicholas Day in many parts of the world and it is believed that the great saint still delivers gifts to children on his feast day as well as on the eve of Christmas. 


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    Tell your children the story of Saint Nicholas

    The first and the most important thing to do before you celebrate Saint Nicholas day is to tell your children the history and story of the great Bishop. Every child must know how Saint Nicholas became the patron saint of kids and why he was so popular among the children of his region. 

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    Saint Nicholas Day party

    One of the best ways to celebrate December 6 each year is to organise a Saint Nicholas Day party. A very good idea is to make and serve spicy speculaas cookies, which are usually associated with this day. You can easily find recipes for making spicy speculaas cookies in recipe books and over the internet. 

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    Instil the spirit of generosity in your children

    You must try to instil the spirit of generosity in your children, which is quite important if you wish to see a peaceful and progressive world. You can try and encourage your children to donate some part of their pocket money or allowances to the poor, especially to children in need. Ask and motivate your children to handover their old toys to a local toy drive or poor children in your area.

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    Make gifts for special people

    If your budget allows you to do so, you should make gifts for special people in your locality or help them in your own way. Keep in mind that the best way to motivate your children to do good deeds is to lead by example. If you are generous and kind, chances are high that the children around you will learn and follow your footsteps.

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