How to Chair a Church Committee

It is a matter of pride and honour if you are given the responsibility of chairing a church committee. However, with great respect and dignity, comes immense responsibility as you must be able to conduct an effective and fruitful meetings. This is also a great opportunity to test your leadership skills, becuase you have to ensure a healthy tone and atmosphere in the meetings, while yielding the most out of them. The members of the committee may have different opinions about a matter and you should be able to develop a consensus without showing any kind of a bias or prejudice.


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    Open the meetings with prayers

    If you are given the chance to chair a church committee, you should make sure that the meetings begin with prayers. In the opening meeting, you must express your thankfulness to God for blessing you with such an honourable position. You should also pray for the uniform working of the committee and seek help from your creator.

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    Offer a mini-devotional

    For about three to four minutes, you should offer a mini-devotional. Pick a scripture from Bible that can be related to the goals of the meeting. Try to reflect on the verses, which should help you create a spiritual atmosphere in the meeting.

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    Establish short-term and long-term goals

    After the prayer and offering a mini-devotional, you should express your opinion about your short-term and long-term goals that you want to achieve through the meeting. Ask the members of the committee to work hard and remain focussed on achieving their goals. You should not hesitate in making amendments in your agenda if any member of the committee comes up with a better idea.

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    Be polite

    Being the chairperson of a church committee, you must not look down upon others by considering yourself as superior. Maintain a polite and respectful tone towards other members of the committee while addressing them. It is your prime responsibility to make sure that other members of the committee also adopt a friendly attitude towards each other.

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    Minutes of the meeting

    To make the most of a meeting, it is highly recommended that you note down the minutes of the meeting, just to keep the record. If you do not want to note down the important points yourself, you should hire an assistant. Many people would be willing to volunteer themselves for this noble cause.

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