How to Change an Adult’s Diaper

An adult diaper is very convenient when dealing with people of old age, or any age as a matter of fact that are dealing with conditions that disallow either them going to the bathroom or due to an uncontrollable bladder. Whatever the case may be and you have someone in your house or if you are in the medical field and changing an adult diaper is part of your responsibility, than following proper technique will make your life a lot easier.

A lot like changing a baby diaper, adult diapers work in the same way but due to the person being bed ridden, it is not always the case. You have to understand that it may not only be uncomfortable for you, but also the person wearing it.


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    Diaper Size

    In order to ensure that the person wearing the diaper is comfortable at all times, you need to choose a diaper that will properly fit that person. It should be of a proper size and comfortable to wear and easy to close as well.

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    Preparing for the Change

    When you realize that the diaper in use in now soiled and ready for a change, the first step in doing so should be unfastening the wet diaper from both sides. Roll the person to one side and now fold the diaper inwards so that any wetness or fecal matter does not leak outside of the diaper.

    Do the same by rolling the patient on the other side and slowly, pull the diaper out. If it is not possible while the person is lying on their back, try moving it around and pulling it out while moving the person to their side.

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    Clean the Person

    Like wiping a baby after removing a diaper, it is the same when dealing with a person of older age. Clean the area with proper wipes, that should be scented and antibacterial in their properties along with trying with another wipe or towel. Lotion or power should be generously applied to keep the skin clean and soft, avoiding any development of rashes that may occur.

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    Putting on the New Diaper

    The new diaper should be put on in the same manner by rolling the patient over as much as possible to one side. Stuff the diaper in as much as possible and now lay them on their back again while pulling the diaper through from the bottom. Fasten it again and make sure that it should be comfortably put on and not too tight or loose.

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