How to Change Your WordPress Template

Are you bored of your WordPress Blog’s template?

Are you thinking about adding some more spice to your blog?

Or are you getting too many negative feedbacks about the overall look of your blog?

If answer to any of the questions is ‘yes’, then you should seriously start thinking about changing the theme of your WordPress Blog.

The process is really easy and you will only have to decide what type of look you want. WordPress itself offers you a number of themes to choose from. You only need to know where to find and apply them to your blog.


  • 1

    Visit WordPress website and login to your account. Navigate to the dashboard of the blog which you want to change.

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    Point your cursor over the “Appearance” tab, and you will see a list, from where, you should select “Themes”.

  • 3

    Now you will see a list of available themes under “Manage Themes” tab. Under each theme, you will see “Live Preview” option available. You can click on it, in order to check how your blog will appear, after applying the specific theme. Check previews for different themes, and decide which will work best for you.

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    After you are done with making your decision, you can click the “Active” option, under your selected theme’s thumbnail, and your blog will now have completely a new look.

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    Once you apply the theme, you will need to adjust some changes, using Custom Image Header and Sidebar Widgets. If you make any changes, do not forget to click “Save Changes”.

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    If you do not like any of the available themes under “Manage Themes” tab, then you can click on the “Install Themes” tab. Here, you can search themes by using different keywords, or you can also search using different features.

    Both the options will be available on the “Install Themes” page. The rest of the process will remain the same, as you did on the “Manage Themes” page.

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    If you do not want to select a theme from the lists under “Manage Themes” and “Install Themes” tabs, then you can also look for WordPress themes on different websites. Download a theme of your choice, and make sure it is in zip format.

  • 8

    Go to “Install Theme” tab and click “Upload”. Click “Browse” and locate the zip file you saved on your computer. Once uploaded, you can click “Activate” to apply the theme to your blog.

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