How to Check an Article for Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a problem often encountered by people related to content writing and publishing. In addition to that, researchers also face difficulties regarding plagiarism. Such is the availability of content on the web these days that many people who write themselves also need to be sure that their articles are not plagiarised. Plagiarism, how to check and avoid it, is a large domain and there are different methods which can be used to control it.

The most important thing is to learn about the broader concept of plagiarism under different situations.

Generally cheating or copying content from another source is called plagiarism. This practise has been going on for many years  and with time, many methods have been devised to counter that. With the increase in awareness, people have also become more conscious about it. They have also become aware that how to check plagiarism online from different sources.

Plagiarism is not always intentional. There can be an instance when two people working on the same subject used certain similar terminologies. In order to avoid plagiarism check in these cases, various referencing systems have been introduced.


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    Plagiarism checking softwares

    There are many plagiarism checking softwares available in the market and online. These articles checking softwares are a good source to check plagiarism and don't cost that much. One of the most famous plagiarism checking software used for academic purposes in Turnitin.

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    Copyscape is a good source that will certainly guide you well if you are looking for plagiarism in your article. It is also considered one of the very reliable sources.

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    Checking for plagiarism

    It is also important to understand how you check any document for plagiarism. The right way is that you should select the required paragraph and put it into the software, whichever you are using, to determine plagiarism. After putting the content, you will easily detect either your article is copied or not.

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    Check through Google

    In case you do  not have access to any software, a simple method of checking plagiarism it to copy the sentences of the article and put them into Google search one by one. Google will highlight the words which are from another source and you can change it accordingly to avoid it.

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