How to Check Your Rental History

While getting a property on rent, you may find yourself in a situation when your potential landlord wants to check your rental history. Though, there is no harm in providing him/her the required information but problems arise when you don’t have the record of your previous lodgings.
In that case, you may have to spend not only lots of time but also a significant amount of money to arrange your rental history. However, you can do it in much less effort and budget if you do it systematically. All you need to do is to use your phone or computer.
Make a list of places:
First of all, you will have to make a list of places where you have stayed as a tenant for the last couple of years. If you have changed lots of places then just write the names of places where you have stayed in last six or seven months. You can also get that list from different websites that maintain the rental history of their members. Do not worry it’s for free. However, if you are not active on the internet then just rely on your memory. -
Look up the phone numbers:
Now, when you have made a list of your previously rented properties, check your phone book and write their owners’ numbers. If you don’t have their contact numbers then you can get it from the telephone directory by checking against the addresses or names. You may also get these numbers from different online phone directories. There are many websites that keep updating their data. -
Contact your old landlords:
After getting the right number, you will call your old landlord and ask for your rental history. If it has been long then introduce yourself first and give all details about the time period. You can send all the required details through email or postal service. -
Contact some agencies:
If calling your old landlord does not work then you must contact a bigger agency that keeps the rental histories of the properties. Do not hesitate as you have the right to get one free report in a year. -
Relish benefits of FCRA:
In some countries, Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is in effect so you can check your rental history by filing a consumer disclosure request. Your consumer report comprises the information that all the consumer reporting agencies have about you.