How to Childproof a TV

Toddlers can create a lot of nuisance for their parents when they start walking. They touch everything in sight and try to play it around. This is the phase in their lives which the parents need to be very careful about. Although they look cute and naughty with their adorable activities, this phase requires extreme attention and responsibility on part of the parents as well. They need to make sure they keep all the dangerous items in the house out of their children’s reach. If the toddlers are able to grab a few things within their reach, they are likely to damage them.

One such problem area is the television. Children get amused by the moving pictures appearing on the televisions and always try to touch the screens. These days, the TVs have transformed altogether. They are no longer the bulky, heavy devices sitting on tables. They are sleek and lightweight and can be placed anywhere in the living room. However, these are easily in the reach of the children and they can drop it on the floor or even on themselves.

In this article, we will tell you about a few simple steps in order to make sure your toddler and television remain safe.


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    First of all, the best solution to keep your LCD TV safe and secure is to mount it on a wall. The wall brackets for all kinds of LCD/LED televisions are available these days and it will not only protect your child, but will also guard your TV from an earthquake.

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    Make sure you do not leave any room behind the TV cabinet or chest of drawers, if you have placed it there. There are locking bars available these days that tie your television with the wall, ensuring it does not fall behind or ahead.

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    One of the best ways to ensure safety of your toddler and television set is to place it on a TV stand and mount it on a wall. Make sure you install it at a safe distance from your toddler. This will ensure him/her does not climb up the chest of drawers and reach the television.

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    You should also cover up any sharp edges of the table/stand you are using to place your television. Children are very likely to walk up to the edge of the television table and might hurt themselves with the uncovered edges.

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    You must also make sure that you hide all the cables connecting to and leading from your television set. These can be an easy way for your child to pull the television and drop it on the floor. You can join all the cables together using simple cable plugs.

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    Lastly, make sure you cover all the physical buttons present on the front panel of your television sets from the reach of your toddlers.

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