How To Choose a Self Publishing Press

Publication of any book or other media by the author of that particular piece without the involvement of any third-party is self publishing.

The author has complete command and authority over the publication of his/her content, which also includes format, price, design, marketing and distribution. In self publishing all the responsibilities lie on the shoulders of the author. However, he may choose to outsource some of the tasks to other companies in order to maintain high standards.

Self publishing demands a lot of responsibility and capital, so you need to be prepared to meet the challenges before you decide to self publish your work.


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    Remember your writing needs to be perfect before getting printed, so it is best to proofread it before anything else. This will take some time, but the more you read, the better, as it will reduce chances of typos or inaccurate information getting published in the final version. If the task is too much for you, outsource the proofreading part in order to save time.

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    It is always wise to re-evaluate your title, and if deemed appropriate, change it to make it more interesting for the readers. Remember if your title is not catchy, it will affect the sales of your content.

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    Once the editing and proofreading is done, it is time for you to hunt for a designer to do a professional cover design. If you have firsthand knowledge of designing then you could do it by yourself, but it is advised that you let a professional handle this.

    You might have had people tell you not to judge a book by its cover, but let’s be honest to ourselves - in today’s world appearances count a lot, and if the outlook of your book is not impressive, there is a high chance it won’t leave the bookshelves.

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    Getting your work submitted to a copyright office is the best and the safest way to protect it. You can claim copyright by mentioning it in the credits page or back cover.

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    You now have to buy an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), which you will need to get your books registered in the Bowker database, which helps bookstores pick up latest books for retailing.

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    Once everything is done, it is time to get your book printed. The price will vary depending on paper and print quality, binding and number of copies.

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