How to Choose Foxtrot Dance Music

Choosing foxtrot dance music can be little tricky. In order to choose foxtrot dance music, first you need to understand that foxtrot dance music represents a specific era in which band music was very popular. This kind of music is very fun to listen as its include festive dance beats. The foxtrot music is written in 4/4 time. It has quick pace and even today, many countries love this music. Especially dance clubs prefer foxtrot dance music as it is very upbeat. If you want to choose foxtrot dance music then follow these guidelines to help get you started.


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    Choosing music on the parameters of the dance

    Choose music that is more upbeat which will help you perform this dance. The music which meets the parameters of the dance is perfect while you can also double check using metronome. The metronome will help you judge the nature of music that it actually moves at 120 beat per minute.

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    Music for swing dance

    Select music for swing dance as it is closer to foxtrot dance music. Many great singers like Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong. You can choose different albums from these singers. Music for swinging lovers along with compact jazz also falls in this category of music.

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    Music stores

    Find different music stores in your area. Old music stores will also help you find good foxtrot dance music. Visit them and ask the salesperson for help in finding some foxtrot music. He or she will be able to help you find what you are looking for. Along with many other sources, music stores have good chance to give you the required collection of foxtrot music.

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    Online forums

    Online forums are also a very big source which will certainly help you if you are looking to get foxtrot music. There are also many websites on the internet which are totally dedicated to conventional old music. You list down all those website and visit them one by one. You can even go to or to download your foxtrot dance music. You can even post a request on the forum that you are looking for foxtrot music.

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    Modern music

    Modern upbeat music is also helpful if you are looking for foxtrot dance music. You can even mix old music with modern tunes. Fast pace songs will certainly give you excitement like you feel in foxtrot dance music. Mixing different types of modern music with foxtrot beats can definitely give you something to really dance to.

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