How to Choose Hair Highlights for Redheads

Natural redheads are rare, and that makes them more desirable. If you are a redhead, you can have more fun than brunettes and blondes, as you have many highlighting options at your disposal. You just have to select the right colour to go with your red hair and pale skin (most redheads have pale skins). Redheads with blue or green eyes have more options to pick from as it is the colour of the eyes that matters the most when choosing an appropriate highlight.


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    For the health of your hair, no matter what colour they are, it is imperative to keep them clean. Washing your hair with Shampoo and then using a conditioner will maintain their health and keep them shiny.

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    In order for the highlights to work, the hair need to be healthy and shiny so watch your diet and eat protein rich foods which are critical for a healthy scalp.

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    Now for selecting just the right highlights you need to take a mirror, walk outside your house into a lawn or terrace under sunlight. Looking at yourself in the mirror with your skin and hair clearly visible, and hold a piece of yellow cloth against the hair. It has been commonly observed that since redheads have pale skin, yellow coloured highlights warm their skin and hair with an autumnal look.

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    Ultimately it is the colour of the eyes that really matters when it comes to choosing highlights with red hair, so if you have hazel or light coloured eyes then you should choose golden or other yellowish colours. Your choice should be the same even if you have green, blue, or turquoise eyes.

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    If the yellow cloth isn’t convincing enough,  pick a piece of burgundy fabric and hold it alongside your hair and skin. The colour of the fabric will - with your paleness - give you a striking look which would certainly turn a lot of heads out there.

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    If you like this combination with your pale skin and have light brown or hazel eyes then you need to choose light to dark shades of auburn. However, you can select any shade if you have green, blue or turquoise eyes. Deep reddish-black colours will also go well with these eyes.

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    If you really want to make a dramatic choice then highlights redder than the colour of your hair could also leave an impact. Just grab a bright red cloth and hold it with your hair in front of the mirror. A red on red will make you stand out in any crowd.  This combination will brighten your skin.

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    Choose soft shades of copper when you have hazel or light brown coloured eyes. With green, blue or turquoise eyes you can pick any shade.

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