How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting

Web hosting is one of the very important factor in running a website. A wide range of web hosts are available such as Free, Dedicated servers, VPS, Shared and managed WordPress hosting.

Due to lack of knowledge usually beginners take wrong decision while choosing a web hosting for their wordpress site. This Step by Step guide will not only let you know about the best wordpress hosting service providers but also guide you through the specifications required and things which you need to consider prior choosing a wordpress web hosting service provider.


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    Specifications required for hosting a WordPress site

    It is a light weight script and is compatible with almost every web hosting service provider. The only requirements for WordPress are:

    - PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
    - MySQL version 5.0 or greater

    As Wordpress is quiet popular among the users so almost all the major hosts provide an easy installer along with the hosting package.

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    What to be considered prior choosing a Web Hosting Service Provider for WordPress?
    The most important factor to consider prior to choosing a web hosting service provider is to consider your needs as it could save you hundreds of dollars. As we discussed earlier that there are various type of web hosting available for WordPress, which includes Free, shared, VPS, Dedicated & managed. Let's have a deeper look into all of them to identify the best match for your WordPress based site.
    Usually you can find individuals promoting Free WordPress Hosting services over forums or groups to cover up small part of their server space available to earn some revenue. These service providers usually ask you to put a text based link or a banner ad on your site, which they mostly sell out to earn money. The biggest problem is that such service providers are unreliable as you never know when they stop their service leaving you in the middle of no where. Therefore, such hosting services are not recommended at all.

    Shared WordPress Hosting is the most popular type among all used by the WordPress users most who are at the beginning stage. It's a place where you share large server with other sites. Therefore, it allows the service provider to serve you at a low cost with a biggest catch of unlimited resource. However, if you site starts taking substantial server load it is recommended to upgrade your account.

    VPS Hosting for WordPress refers to virtual machine, where physical server gets partitioning into multiple servers based on individual customer's need. However, you are sharing server with other yet it gives you much control as of a dedicated server along with privacy of a separate physical computer, where you can run specific software.

    Usually moderate bloggers and users along with the developers utilize VPS servers. However, its recommended that if you are not much familiar with VPS, then you should go for a managed VPS, where system upgrades and all other technical problems are handled by the hosting service providers.

    WordPress Dedicated Servers are physical server that could be leased by the service provider, which gives you complete control over it along with the choice of OS, hardware configuration etc. Being as a begineer its not recommended at all. If you don't have a knowledge of servers or do not employ a system administrator then you should go for a managed dedicated server.

    Service providers employ a full time system administrator for managed dedicate servers to maintain it, perform software upgrades, chat and phone support along with server monitoring.

    Some web hosting providers have chosen to offer Managed WordPress Hosting due to the large number of WordPress users. The benefit of it is that you do not need to worry about anything such as optimizing site for performance, making it secure, backup, plugins or upgrades. These all things are being done by the service providers apart from which they perform regular scan to protect your site from hackers.

    Based on the type of server required for your needs, now you might be in a better position for the selection of WordPress web hosting providers. Here is a list of providers from which you might choose one:

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    Started in 1996 is the largest brand name when talking about WordPress hosting. They are also been officially recommended by WordPress as you are never concerned about the speed factor. Offer free domain along with a Free Site Builder on top of that they offer the WP Beginners a special package.

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    Online industry has insured this name as to be the best when it comes about services. Backed with an unmatched American based support help is more reliable and speedy. With awards to their name they are Preferred among the beginners.

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    Convenient way out for small scale business to attain an online existence, earned numerous awards. Looking at the table of price others feel it difficult to stand along with them when it is compared along with services offered. Offer special discount to the beginners to stand more firm.

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    With 99.9% up time gurantee, 24*7 support exceeding 8 million domains HostGator is firmly standing in the server providers list. It is always a smart choice considering the beginners as they provide a dedicated server hosting.

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    Well known name as they have formulated special plans for the WordPress community. When talking about the beginners they offer them with special discounted rates so that to allow them to sustain the initial winds with ease.

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